P434 Webform

Please note before submitting, if you are not moving a Non Half-Hourly MPAN into a pre-existing Half-Hourly MPAN, you will receive a new account number. If you request your portfolio to have more than on Half-Hourly MPAN, each MPAN will receive a new account number.

"If you are submitting multiple MPANs, please separate using semicolon."
How do you wish to setup your portfolio? *
Please confirm you are happy to receive a new account number? *
"If "No" is selected, you will receive a new account number. Please consider an alternative option if this isn't a feasible option for you."
"Please provide multiple MPANs separated by a semicolon"
"Please separate multiple MPANs using a semicolon."
Please confirm you are happy to receive a new account *
"If "No" is selected, you will receive a new account number. Please consider an alternative option if this isn't a feasible option for you."