Selling Your Energy: Renewable Electricity or Gas
Having worked with independent generators since 2008, our team of experts are on hand to assist with finding the correct solution to match your individual requirements and maximise revenues. We have an innovative suite of Power Purchase Agreements and Gas Purchase Agreements (PPAs & GPAs) designed to meet lender and bank requirements.
Our approach is simple: whether you are just starting out or are well established, we aim to provide you with access to the wholesale market irrespective of the size or purpose of your generation asset.
Our PPA and GPA products range from a five year fixed price to a truly flexible option allowing access to the forward energy market as well as hourly day ahead prices - with a term to suit your financing requirements.
Suitable for all technology types, our contracts offer the benefits of being embedded on the distribution networks and can include the purchase of associated renewable certificates.
Our Energy Procurement Platform enables embedded power generators to access wholesale-based pricing and products to sell their generated power directly to Total Gas & Power. The web-based software also enables businesses to access the N2EX Daily Auction to help to maximise their short-term potential.
For natural gas-fed generators, there is the ability to lock in gas at prices available on the platform. Having access to gas import and power export prices that are updated regularly throughout the day, coupled with the generating plant efficiency, gives businesses the information they need to calculate their spark spreads before locking a position.
The facility is also available with an automated switching unit that links generating equipment directly to the platform ensuring the equipment is optimised based on your pre-planned generation schedules.
The benefits
Access to pricing and products for volumes from 50 therms of daily gas and 100kW of power on an hourly level provides exceptional flexibility to operate generating equipment helping to ensure excellent returns from the customer’s generation assets.
The platform also provides management information using half hourly electricity meter reads and daily gas feeds, as well as having the ability to produce generation statements in preparation for monthly invoicing.
Whatever your plan for selling energy, we have the right GPA for you, whether you have a standalone production asset or are investing in a portfolio to gas to grid projects.
Our portfolio of GPA products are designed to meet bank and lender requirements and provide you with the flexibility and appetite to risk that suits you.
Contact Us
To find out more about how you can benefit from our PPAs, GPAs and Energy Management Platform, get in touch with our dedicated team today:
Alex Gash: Senior Sales Relationship Manager
[email protected]
Daniel Gell: PPA Originator
+44 (0)7554 107890
[email protected]
Rob Brannan: Embedded Generation Manager
+44 (0)7717 300742
[email protected]
Ben Spry: Head of Strategic Accounts
+44 (0)7794 020633
[email protected]