Debt Management Process
What is the Debt Management Process?
We will always try and resolve any arrears before taking further Credit Action and throughout our debt management process communication is vital and we will always try to call, email, or write to you regarding any arrears or next steps to be taken.
What to do if you are struggling to pay your energy bill
With energy costs rising, we understand that you may need assistance with being able to pay your invoices. If you’re concerned about your energy bills, we can help. Please call our credit team on 0333 0037874 (option 1) to discuss your options, including setting up a payment plan.
There are many other ways to take greater control of your energy, reduce your bills and get further advice on managing business debt and budgeting outlined below.
Debt Management Process Steps
Step 1. Chase payment of unpaid bills
If you miss a payment, you will receive an initial reminder. We will ask you to contact us and make a payment as soon as possible. Alongside the reminder letters, contact will be made by us via phone or email requesting payment of any unpaid bills. If the account continues to remain overdue you will receive an overdue payment reminder, followed by a final demand. We will continue to make contact by phone or email. You can contact our credit team on 0333 0037874 (option 1) to discuss your options, including setting up a payment plan at any point in the debt process.
Step 2. Manage Pre-Disconnections
If the account remains in arrears and we have been unable to have any meaningful conversations about resolution, then the account is moved to Pre-Disconnection stage. The purpose of the Pre-disconnection is to visit site to confirm who is at site, meter details, meter readings and leave a letter of intent, which notifies the site of our intentions to disconnect the supply. The agent that visits site will request payment, identify any queries/change of occupancy, or agree a payment plan. This visit is carried out by an External Agency on our behalf and will have proof of ID on them.
Step 3. Plan Isolations
If the account continues to remain in arrears and we are unable to progress resolution in a positive manner, then we will consider disconnecting the supply. After an internal review we will instruct an external agency to manage the disconnection, this will be the same external agency that performed the earlier site visit. The external agency will apply to the courts for a warrant of entry to allow us to access the meter. The external agency will provide notice to the premises of the date in which we intend to apply for a warrant. This notice is called a Human Rights Act (HRA) letter and contains information regarding the warrant process and rights under the Human Rights Act.
The external agency will also book the meter engineer, warrant officer and locksmith and notice will be given of the date we intend to execute the warrant and disconnect the supply.
- The meter engineer attends to isolate the supply
- The warrant officer is sent by the External Agency to assess the whole situation and report into TEGP office with their findings and present the warrant if necessary.
- The locksmith attends to gain access to the premises, as needed.
Step 4. Carry out Isolations
If the account remains in arrears, there are no known disputes or we have been unable to agree a mutually acceptable repayment plan, then the disconnection will continue. The agent will arrive on the day planned and try to contact the premises to resolve the situation. The agent will complete several audit checks directly with TEGP offices before the isolation of supply If a meter has been removed or de-energised, the agent will provide the final reading to TEGP to allow us to final bill the account. The site will be left secure if a warrant has been used to gain entry.