Struggling to Pay your Bills?
With energy costs rising, we understand that you may need assistance with being able to pay your invoices. If you’re concerned about your energy bills, we can help. Please call our credit team on 0333 0037874 (option 1) to discuss your options, including setting up a payment plan.
There are many other ways to take greater control of your energy, reduce your bills and get further advice on managing business debt and budgeting.
Visit our website FAQs page: https://business.totalenergies.uk/help-support
If you are unsure of any of the terms in your bill, please go to Ofgem's website for a glossary of terms here.
How to take greater control of your energy and reduce your bills
1. Send us your latest meter readings
To ensure you’re only paying for the energy you’ve used, remember to send us your latest meter readings so that we can send you an accurate bill.
Submit your latest readings online or register for our free meter read reminder service.
2. Request a smart meter
A smart meter can save you time by automatically sending us your latest meter read, while providing greater insight into the energy your business is using.
To find out more and request yours, visit our smart meter page.
3. Pay by Direct Debit
Paying your bills by Direct Debit can give you peace of mind and save time - plus your payments are protected by the Direct Debit guarantee. It will also save you money, as you won’t have to pay the Non-DD admin charge of £20 + VAT per invoice.
Set up Direct Debit payments here.
4. Use less energy
There are many ways to reduce energy consumption in your business – see some useful workplace energy saving tips here, or visit The Carbon Trust website for more on energy efficiency.
5. Get independent advice
Ofgem, Citizens Advice and the Money Advice Trust provide advice on managing business debt and budgeting. Some charities also have a free grants search tool to see if your business is eligible for funding or financial support.
To find out more, visit Ofgem’s ‘Getting help if your business can't afford its energy bills’ page
6. Check that you’re not on out of contract ‘deemed’ rates
If your contract has ended and you haven’t signed a new contract with us, or have just moved to a new business premises that we supply and have not yet agreed a contract, you’re likely to be paying our highest rates.
To find out how much your business could save with a new contract, get in touch with our team on 08000289597 (9-5, Monday-Friday) or email [email protected]
7. Set up a payment plan
If you’d like to discuss setting up a payment plan to help with your energy bills, please call our credit team on 0333 0037874 (option 1). Please remember to have your account number to hand.
8. Make sure you’re on the right VAT rate
If your site is a non-profit making organisation (e.g. a charity), you will be charged 5% VAT. To ensure you’re paying the correct VAT, we must receive a valid exemption certificate. To find out if you qualify, please contact HM Revenue & Customs.
You can download a VAT declaration form and then submit it to [email protected].