We will make the portal available from 1st October 2024. Customers will be automatically enrolled and where we do not have contact details, they will be requested to provide us with them so that they can take advantage of this new offering.
Customers Smart or AMR (Automatic Meter Read meter) power and Gas HH (Half Hourly) consumption data, this is actual data provided directly to SMS from our 3rd party data collectors or AMR providers.
All Gas AMR customers will be onboarded for the 1st of October. All Non Half-Hourly AMR power meter customers with a profile class 1-8 and all Smart Gas and Power. Power Half-Hourly settled sites will not be available immediately as additional functionality is required to manage import and export sites.
It will provide half-hourly and hourly consumption data to customers if they have access to more than one site, then they will be able to generate a portfolio view of their sites. This includes:
View and download their data
Create a consumption tracker to manage their consumption
This enables them to receive notifications when they exceed their requested amount
Receive data daily from the previous day
View their data in graphs to see trends and focus into half-hourly or hourly granularity.
Micro business customers with an AMR or Smart meter are given a communication which provides them with 7 days to inform us that they would not like to retrieve their half-hourly data.
All other customers will have their data automatically populated onto the portal and we are not required to provide them the opportunity to opt out.
No, if there is no data available for a specific period, there will be gaps in the data.
Yes, this is available at site level only. Shared is future and the blue line is the temperature and forecasted temperature.
The platform will estimate the total consumption expected for a portfolio of sites and will be visible in the graphs view of that portfolio.
When locations (sites) are missing it will be displayed within the list view.
When the user selects View missing locations, they will see which are missing.
Where a portfolio has both gas and power sites within their portfolio, they will have a toggle which they can use to break the list up. Where there is only one fuel in the portfolio, no toggle is available.
Users can export data at portfolio level with 3 options. Data range is customizable.
No, this is due to the way that we currently store contact information. Users will need to define their own portfolios. How to create Portfolio Groups will be outlined in the training material and on our website for external users.
All customers with a smart and AMR meter will be able to access their HH consumption data, if they have elected a Broker to manage their account for them and they already have access to our online billing portal they will be automatically enrolled.
Each user has their own portfolio or group of sites assigned to an email address. This is mapped to the existing data within Corcentric which has been migrated to our internal data base within CQMS.
If they already use our online billing portal, then we will automatically enroll them. You can check in CQMS to see which user for each 300 account is enrolled. Note this is not live in production yet, however we have loaded data in before and will be using the same process. Contacts listed as General cannot be edited but will be visible.